Disgusted with America

I get it, the Democrats are not enough, the Republicans are to much. But to elect a person who is ignorant, racists, phobia driven, power hungry, a rumor monger, untrustworthy, a convicted criminal, delusional (and don’t forget egotistical), a turn-coat, homeland terrorist, fascist, and a puppet … is that really a good compromise? On the bright side we won’t have to worry about Russia or North Korea bombing us. So many of my fellow American’s think we should have this handy yes man who idolizes the leaders running our country at the helm. That should keep the nukes away. We […]

I Was Doing So Good….

Honestly, I was so excited to get into the rhythm of updating my site. A new post a week, all that was becoming a thing. I have about two dozen, if not a bit more, posts I’ve started and just need to finish. I just love the concept of writing and updating the site. It really lets me get the creativity out of my system. But, things changed. In September of 2022 I’d gotten word that my mom’s current living situation wasn’t sustainable and she was at risk of “things” getting worse. Sadly, I was informed, that my family had […]

Mob Voting

I recently saw an meme that said something like, “Vote Blue No Matter What” and a soccer ball hitting the person’s face with Biden’s name on it. Are you fucking kidding me? We elected Dumb Shit who shouldn’t have ever been President only because, Republicans only know how to vote as a mob. Heck, just watch our Congress. Republican’s only vote as a single collective unit on anything. If one strays from the pack, they are quickly removed and/or reprimanded by other Republicans for breaking the “bro code”. Democrats, on the other hand, you can’t put two of them in […]

My Kids are Sick!

I love children, I’d always hoped to have kids (somehow) when I was younger. Being gay, I really wasn’t sure how that would ever come to be, but it was a dream. Since I’ve moved into the later years of my life, I’ve come to the realization, kids are probably not going to happen in this life time. I’m okay with that. A bit sad that I didn’t get to pass on all this scary knowledge, nor these incredibly odd beliefs, but okay in general that pretty much this website will probably be my lasting repository. As for others who […]

Programmers Are Lazy

I’m one of those people who really loves to program. There is just something, almost exhilarating, about writing a bit of code and having it do something. I’m sure it is the same for any one doing something creative, but I think programmers get a bad rap at times because … well … I don’t really know why. Programming is done in dark dank areas, far removed from anyone. Usually the programmer is head down in their code, only taking a moment to get another slice of pizza, or open a new can of pop. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve […]

Angry vs Walking Away

There is a saying, ‘pick your battles’. I … kind of … think this is a good saying. Isn’t there another saying that might go along the lines of, ‘plan your battles and chose when to engage’? That I think follows more along with how I go about things. These question started floating around my head a few days ago. It was brought on when I was interacting with a coworker who is one of those always happy people, nothing phases them, they’re always upbeat, and they always just take everything in stride. I, generally, enjoy people like that. But […]

Gays in Fiction

I’m not a romance reader. I don’t have anything against romance authors, it is just not something I enjoy. However, if you ever looked at my Goodreads activity, you’d think quite the opposite. I do enjoy reading stories where the main character is gay, or in a gay relationship. Why is that? I can better relate to the story. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with straight characters, but I want to read something that immerses me in the tale that the writer has created. Sometimes, not always, it is nice to create a bond to the people being […]

Patrick – Drama – Change

While listening to the radio during the morning commute to work the broadcaster brought up something that had me stop and think.  He was reading an article from the National Enquirer (you know the big gossip rag here in the US) which had some article on the front page about Patrick Swayze and his fight with cancer.  Basically the headline under the picture of Patrick said something like, “The End”. The broadcaster continued to comment about how sad it was that the Enquirer would do such a piece and use a headline that is so blatantly depressing and in overly […]

Seattle Traffic

I’m growing so tired of the traffic in Seattle.  That’s a lot coming from the person who loves to drive especially in rush-hour traffic.  The problem that I have, which was very evident today, is that when there is an accident or some significant event that blocks major routes through the city … NOTHING … is done to help direct traffic.  For instance – today there was a terrible three car head on accident that took out all the lanes on a major thorough-fare right at 5 pm.  This radiated out to effect a huge area of the city and […]

$819 Billion Economic Stimulus Package

This is proof that we … you, me and everyone else in America … are asleep at the wheel: “No House Republican voted for the stimulus package, yet 244 Democrats did.” The odds that 177 people of approximately 435 would each vote identically are astronomical UNLESS all of these people are “members” of a specific group where as this would not be so uncommon. Come on everyone. I know we each have different believes, feelings and thoughts but doesn’t this remind you of something? It does me, can anyone say “High School?” This is nothing but kids playing in a […]