Social Media

I don’t really use Facebook. Honestly, it was all those stupid games that they us to have, the constant updates from friends about making it to a new level … ugg. I know. They’re gone … or just not where I see them anymore … but it really irked me. Now days, the fact that Facebook wants to show things in the order it thinks I want to see it, not in the way I want to read things … that just makes the whole thing fowl to me. Again, I know, you can go and click the link each […]

A Website?

I love my website, I really do. I love the look, the feel and the presence but with all the other social media out there – what do you do with a personal website? Well, that and trying to keep up with both – do I post this on Facebook, on Twitter, on my website? Heck with Dropbox and Google Docs you don’t even need a website to host files. I just don’t know what to do with my personal website right now so it sits a bit dormant. I still want to flesh out a few things which are […]

Alive and Kicking…

It’s been over a year since I updated this area. I think I had a bug and just never the time to fix it. That hasn’t stopped me from updating the site, I am always trying to do new things and yesterday I added in some handy Facebook, Twitter and Lord of the Rings Online contact buttons on the footer of the main site. One of my big web goals this coming year is to redo the forums, I want to change their purpose a bit. But I have several other sites I work on, either mine or others and […]


Never heard of it? Neither had I but it’s the latest craze on the web. What is it? Well, it’s a nifty little tool that lets you write tiny little blurbs about your day, all day long. It works both on the site, over your phone or through little programs. I’m still debating it but it’s fun so far. It’s all about just knowing what is going on with you and your friends between calls, blog posts, emails and so on. I created me an account, I’m posting now and then … if anyone has one or wants to try […]