Speaking Your Mind

I sometimes find it hard to post on social media when it comes to things that bother me or that I think need to change. It’s not because I have people following me, such as friends or family, who I’m worried about offending or upsetting. It is rather the opposite, actually. It seems rude to post tirades with those who already feel the same as I. Why do they need me to rehash some of the junk they’ve probably been discussing with me again? It’s the rest of the world who needs to hear this stuff. I’m not famous. I […]

No Post Wednesday

My goal is to have something new to post every week. I was doing really well, up until today. Mind you, I have a slew of started drafts on one rant or another, I just get side tracked and have never finished them yet. So, instead of my weekly dribble, I’m just going to post this instead. I’ll sit down and get more of my thoughts typed up, but right now, I’m actually having fun on a little side project that I’ve kind of wanted to do for almost 30 years. I’m close to getting it there, so I don’t […]

BBC News About America….

I’m sorry, America sucks when it comes to media coverage. I have gotten into a new habit of reading the news which I am slowly trying to stop myself from doing. Lately I have been reading the various papers online locally and across the nation. I might stop on one or two articles, the tomato problem was one and the other was about the toddler who was beaten to death. Then I ventured over to the BBC and found better written and far more relevant news, I was totally appalled at the dog who was killed by a street sweeper. […]

Never Forget…

On September 11, 2001 the United States fell under direct attack by Terrorists. 2,974 innocent people not only from the US but from all across the world were forced to depart this world by the cowardly acts of 19 misguided individuals and their co-horts and cronies on the other side of the planet. Wikipedia has an article on the subject along with this image from the Department of Justice. It shows all the victims in this tragedy. When I saw this picture, it reminded me of how important and valuable life is. Something we all have a habit of forgetting. […]