Tis the Season

Perhaps this year, more than ever, a bit of cheer is needed. Or maybe, something pretty before the next year starts and we will not see … pretty … for sometime. I was looking around my library of photos and realized, I have pictures of quite a few Christmas trees we’ve had over the years. So, since I’m preparing to setup this years tree, I started looking back. As I gazed through the memories, I pulled out most of the tree shots and put them together in a gallery for everyone’s enjoyment. Enjoy the Christmas Trees Images. I really enjoyed […]

Writing Marathon

My goal was to get June caught up. I missed three posts and I was determined to bring things current. I have lots of drafts started, some further along than others. I found a couple posts mostly done and got them finished. Excuse the typos, I tried to double and triple check them, but I’m sure I missed several. If you didn’t catch them, here are the ones I added: Programmers are Lazy My Kids are Sick! Mounts in Games I also went ahead and created the post to end off the month of June. Another post I started and […]

Face Lift!

The website has gotten a face lift and an upgrade.  I still have more work to do and lots of clean up, the typo’s and spelling errors are terrible.  Since I’ve started to do some work on other WordPress sites, I thought it might be helpful to upgrade my own site to the format.  I wasn’t sure at first but I’m actually liking the system more and more.  Admittedly, that could simply be me getting to do something different for a change…

Ideas Abound And…

I have a new idea for the site, one that seems fitting for me these past 10 years but alas, like so many, I haven’t the time or energy to work on it. I’ve started the rough sketch of my idea and keep dwelling on it but then that seems to be about as far as I can get. Perhaps this year will be different, I’d so much like to breath new life into my site. I miss it much, years ago you couldn’t pull me away from web design and playing with the latest new things when it came […]

A Website?

I love my website, I really do. I love the look, the feel and the presence but with all the other social media out there – what do you do with a personal website? Well, that and trying to keep up with both – do I post this on Facebook, on Twitter, on my website? Heck with Dropbox and Google Docs you don’t even need a website to host files. I just don’t know what to do with my personal website right now so it sits a bit dormant. I still want to flesh out a few things which are […]

Website Updated!

I’ve finally gotten my site upgraded! It only took two years – the first 18 months was spent trying to find a look that I liked. That only ended when I realized, I already had a look I liked! My real goal was to just make it easier to maintain. Done! The site was transferred over to a brand new management system which I am more than pleased with. So far, there’s only a few minor new things as I am still working out a few bugs. I’ve gotten loads to clean up in lots of places and well … […]