I Was Doing So Good….

Honestly, I was so excited to get into the rhythm of updating my site. A new post a week, all that was becoming a thing. I have about two dozen, if not a bit more, posts I’ve started and just need to finish. I just love the concept of writing and updating the site. It really lets me get the creativity out of my system. But, things changed. In September of 2022 I’d gotten word that my mom’s current living situation wasn’t sustainable and she was at risk of “things” getting worse. Sadly, I was informed, that my family had […]

Looking Forward

Today is not the date this post is published on, it is in fact the end of June. I’ve been reading the latest news about the US Supreme Courts ruling on Roe vs Wade. I’ve researched the actual ruling and read the current ruling. I’ve went through various comments, and articles, from both sides. What keeps rolling through my mind is: What is next? How do we fix this? What is this? And it is kind of in that order too. With so many things lately going on in the US, to some of us — on both sides — […]

My Kids are Sick!

I love children, I’d always hoped to have kids (somehow) when I was younger. Being gay, I really wasn’t sure how that would ever come to be, but it was a dream. Since I’ve moved into the later years of my life, I’ve come to the realization, kids are probably not going to happen in this life time. I’m okay with that. A bit sad that I didn’t get to pass on all this scary knowledge, nor these incredibly odd beliefs, but okay in general that pretty much this website will probably be my lasting repository. As for others who […]