Speaking Your Mind

I sometimes find it hard to post on social media when it comes to things that bother me or that I think need to change. It’s not because I have people following me, such as friends or family, who I’m worried about offending or upsetting. It is rather the opposite, actually. It seems rude to post tirades with those who already feel the same as I. Why do they need me to rehash some of the junk they’ve probably been discussing with me again? It’s the rest of the world who needs to hear this stuff. I’m not famous. I […]

Looking Forward

Today is not the date this post is published on, it is in fact the end of June. I’ve been reading the latest news about the US Supreme Courts ruling on Roe vs Wade. I’ve researched the actual ruling and read the current ruling. I’ve went through various comments, and articles, from both sides. What keeps rolling through my mind is: What is next? How do we fix this? What is this? And it is kind of in that order too. With so many things lately going on in the US, to some of us — on both sides — […]