War in Ukraine

First and foremost, my heart, thoughts, and hope go out to all my friends who are involved in, or have loved ones, who are impacted by the terrible events happening in this evolving country. And that includes all of us who are left watching this tragic addition to our history that is unfolding in our world, especially in a time when these events should be below us. I can’t tell you how sad it hurts my heart to see people dealing with such a travesty when we really do have better things to focus on. When I was in high […]

Donate Please…

Every year I donate to the Human Society and in times of crisis such as the flooding happening in Iowa (and other locations) I’ll add to my donation. This year I couldn’t do as much but I sent them a bit extra to help out the rescue efforts of people’s beloved pets. Take a moment and send them a donation, even if it is just $5. I always think of myself and how I’d fight to save my pets lives if something like this happened but I also think of people like my Mom who has two dogs and two […]