On February 2, 2003 I was accepted as a news reporter for UO Stratics on the Sonoma Shard (http://uo.stratics.com) and challenged with the task of reporting on the events, news and happenings on the Sonoma shard of Ultima Online.
I have to admit, I did it on a whim. I saw the posting asking for new reporters and figured, ‘what the heck, why not try.’ To be honest, I really didn’t think I had a chance. But I enjoy writing and don’t do it enough so it would be fun.
I remember when I got the email saying I was a runner up. At first I was very excited … then I realized, ‘Oh My GOD!’ what have I started! I calmed down and figured it would never happen and followed through with the next step. Low in behold, after being a bit late on the deadline, I was accepted. Also, a little side note, this is how I ended up meeting Ed who has become one of my dearest and closest friends. He was the news manager for the team and he and I just clicked and well … the rest is history.
In May of 2004 I stepped down as a reporter with Stratics though I continue to moderate a forum there. Being a reporter in UO was nothing like I could have imagined. The experience, the friendships and the overwhelming group of people who make up Sonoma will always be one of the biggest highlights of my life.